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      更新時間: 2006-02-24 14:19:49來源: 粵嵌教育瀏覽量:2736

      //**      鏈表各種操作回顧     **  

      #include <iostream.h>

      //***define eare***

      //***varible eare***
      struct Student
       long number;
       float score;
       Student *next;

      Student *head;//鏈首指針

      //***function pro.***
      Student *Create(void);     //創建鏈表
      void ShowList(Student *head);   //打印鏈表

      Student *Delete(Student *head,long number);      //刪除鏈表中某結點
      Student *Insert(Student *head,Student *add_node); //插入鏈表結點

      //***main code***
      void main(void)
       Student *phead;
       //long del_node;
       Student add_node;
       /*cout<<"Do you want to delete which node? please input the number:";

       cout<<"please input number&score :"<<endl;


      //function: Create() 創建鏈表
      //input: void
      //return: Student *
      //other: fzh 2006-1-19
      Student *Create(void)
       Student *pN;    //創建鏈表結點的指針
       Student *pEnd;    //鏈尾指針,用于其后插入結點指針
       pN=new Student;    //新建一個結點,準備插入鏈表
       cout<<"please input numer and score:\n";
       cin>>pN->number>>pN->score; //給結點賦值
       head=NULL;     //一開始鏈表為空

       while(pN->number !=0)

        pEnd=pN;    //N點處
        pN=new Student;
        cout<<"please input numer and score:\n";
       pEnd->next =NULL;
       delete pN;
       return (head);

      //function: ShowList() 顯示鏈表
      //input: void
      //return: Student *
      //other: fzh 2006-1-19

      void ShowList(Student *head)
       cout<<"*******now the items of list is***********\n";
        cout<<head->number<<","<<head->score <<endl;


      //function: Delete() 刪除鏈表指點結點
      //input: void
      //return: Student *
      //other: fzh 2006-1-19
      Student *Delete(Student *head,long number)
       Student *p;
       Student *pFind;        //"哨兵"指針
        cout<<"\n the link table is Null!";
        return NULL;
        delete p;
        cout<<number<<"the head of list have been deleted"<<endl;
        return (head);

         delete p;
         cout<<number<<" have been deleted!"<<endl;
         return (head);

       cout<<" \n no the node ^Q^ "<<endl;
       return NULL;

      //function: Insert() 插入鏈表結點
      //input: void
      //return: Student *
      //other: 1.fzh 2006-1-19
      // 2.插入要求:創建鏈表時,結點的number是按小到大順序排列的。
      Student *Insert(Student *head,Student *add_node)
       Student *pFind;        //"哨兵"指針

       if(!head)//(head==NULL)   空鏈表時,將結點置于鏈首
        head=add_node;   //鏈首
        add_node->next=NULL; //鏈尾 
        return head;
       if(head->number > add_node->number)
        return head;

        if(pFind->next->number > add_node->number)//找到插入位置
         return head;
       return NULL;




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