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      更新時間: 2006-01-25 13:36:31來源: 粵嵌教育瀏覽量:3244

      Proteus使你真正在PC上就可完成從原理圖設計、電路仿真、PCB設計到軟件代碼調試、實時仿真、測試和驗證的整個開發過程,它一定能為您的開發起極大的幫助作用。 Proteus VSM 是什么? Proteus 虛擬系統模型(Proteus Virtual System Modelling (VSM))組合了混合模式的SPICE電路仿真、動態器件和微控制器模型實現了完整的基于微控制器設計的協同仿真。次真正使在物理原型出來之前對這類設計的開發和測試成為可能。 要了解Proteus VSM 技術的詳細功能與特點可進入. Proteus VSM 競爭分析 我們相信Proteus VSM到目前為止還沒有競爭者。 為什么選Proteus VSM ? 當多個公司向您推薦軟件包時,一定要了解他們的功能與差異,初步印象好象他們都差不多,其實他們差異極大。Proteus VSM 是款而且咎由自取更豐富模型庫的微控制器協同仿真軟件包。 微控制器模型功能 任何嵌入式系統設計的核心就是微控制器,微控制器模型的完整性與精度是重要的。您應該總是確信微控制器的仿真模型不僅支持您想要使用的外設而且要支持您使用該外設的模式并足夠詳細。我們已經發現一些微控制器模型與微控制器的指令系統仿真器差不多但是這點與Proteus VSM微控制器的仿真模型的詳細程度至少有好幾年的差距. Proteus VSM 的仿真功能介紹: 實時仿真 指令系統仿真 Pin 操作仿真 中斷仿真 SPI 仿真 MSSP 仿真 PSP 仿真 ADC 仿真 Internal only CCP/ECCP 仿真 . I2C/TWI 仿真 模擬比較器仿真 外部存儲器仿真 實時時鐘仿真 支持微控制范圍 Proteus VSM 提供超過150微控制器模型,并且不斷響應客戶對更多的微控制器模型的支持: 8051 模型 Microchip PIC 模型 PIC10 系列 PIC12 系列 PIC16 系列 PIC18 系列 Atmel AVR 模型 ATTINY 系列 AT90x 系列 . ATMEGA 系列 Motorola HC11 模型 Parallax Basic Stamp 模型 BS1 系列 BS2 系列 ARM7 模型 外設支持 在嵌入式系統的設計中,至關重要的是你需要有你將使用的外設模型,除了通用的 TTL/CMOS庫,二極管,三極管等外,下面還列出了一些嵌入系統通用的支持包: 交互器件或部件 鍵盤模型 TTY/RS232 終端 直流/步進/伺服 電機模型 字符LCD 顯示 圖形LCD 顯示 直接硬件接口 EWB iMCU 數據存儲器件 實時音頻器件 I2C / SPI / 1-Wire 外設 溫度計 /溫度器件 驅動器和控制器模型 以上僅僅是通用的嵌入系統外設的模型的一小部分,Labcenter非常愿意并積極回應客戶對現有模型的咨詢并對具體需添加的模型的請求。 調試能力 作為一個工程師自己,我們總是認為能夠進行原理圖仿真僅僅是工作的一部分,協同仿真軟件的真正價格和節約時間的潛力在于它幫助你發現和定位軟件與硬件的設計。 Proteus VSM 調試功能: 工具 /語言支持 匯編器 C編譯器 支持PIC Basic 儀器 虛擬儀器 從模式規程分析器 主模式規程分析器 源碼級調試 匯編級 語言('C' or Basic) 斷點支持 標準斷點 條件斷點 硬件斷點 存儲器內容顯示 在CPU內部 在外設 Trace / Debugging模式 在CPU內部 在外設 監視窗口 實時顯示數值 支持混合類型 支持拖放 包括指定的SFR 包括指定Bit位 變量窗口 堆棧監視 網絡沖突警告 在模型上的Trace 模式 與其他Compilers / IDE的集成 結論 以上比較顯示Proteus VSM對工業應用或教育都提供了必要的完整的模型與功能,我們承諾并相信您在任何地方也找不到無論在功能上還是價格上比Proteus VSM更好的協同仿真工具了,如您有任何疑問,請與我們聯系。 Proteus VSM 部分典型用戶 Sample Listing of Proteus Software Users : ST Microelectronics Motorola Vikram Sarabhai Space Center Volvo UCLH British Army SCIAD Branch Ferrari British Nuclear Fuels plc Guys and St. Thomas Hospitals The Audio Partnership plc AMD Automation Data Process Gmbh Zetex plc Assemtech Europe Ltd. Panasonic Microchip Technologies Glaxosmithkline British Gas plc Linear Technologies Philips Sanyo Gyrus Medical National Rail Penny & Giles Aerospace BBC Delphi Diesel Systems SGS Thompson Xerox Westcode Semiconductors Britvic Sony Philadelphia Scientific Yamaha R&D Qinetiq British Antartic Survey Intel Rutherford Appleton Labs Visteon Automotive JET Joint Undertaking BAE Systems Symbolic Sound Corporation Accent Optical Technologies Caterpiller Peterlee Carlton Television Ford Michelin Tire UW Radiation Calibration Lab Jefferson Lab R W Beckett Corp Lexmark International Inc. Upchurch Scientific, Inc. Calgon Carbon Corporation TRLabs Ariens Company Hewlett Packard WrightPatterson Air force base Northrop Grumman Corporation Xenogen Corporation Bell South Los Alamos National Laboratory Naval Air Warfare Center COM DEV Space Group Electrolux Home Products Tom Baker Cancer Center HEXFET America Dept of NAVY - EOD Proteus VSM 部分用戶評價 Gael Salles - ST MicroElectronics 我們一直在使用Proteus軟件包,我們真的非常欣賞該軟件的簡單友好的使用界面和強大的功能;當我們在使用時碰到了限制和問題時,Proteus的技術支持與響應總是及時與到位.Proteus是設計相對復雜系統的好的解決方案. Andre Lamothe - CEO / Chief Scientist Nurve Networks LLC Proteus 無疑是該價位的原理布圖,PCB設計和電路與處理器仿真軟件包,它完全可匹敵Protel DXP,但比Protel DXP更容易使用;Proteus標準的自動布線工具非常棒,非常快.我非常愿意向任何想以合理價格獲得高端工具包的任何人推薦Proteus,你一定不會失望,此外,他們的客戶支持是NO1,他們的技術是專家級的,可以解決在原理圖,PCB及仿真中的任何問題. Timothy Box - TJB Systems Ltd. I have to say at this point that in my opinion Proteus VSM is absolutely ACE. While I try not to be too public in my delight for products, I cant stop myself now, I have saved days and days using this tool. Only today I got some code working where I had 2 Microchip PIC's talking to each other and monitored the timing with the Logic analyser. Stopping now and then to single step at crucial points. I doubt if I could have got it working without it. It's not the first time I have used the tool in this way but every time I do I'm so impressed. Kevin Edwards - Talk Electronics Design Director We have been using Proteus for over 7 years and have found it to be the most flexible and cost effective design solution on the market In the past we have run EasyPC, Protel and even flirted with CadStar but none offer the speed and intuitive use that Proteus has. Mark Rodgers I developed a product that uses RS232 comms to control a radio, the hardware was totally developed in VSM. Proteus VSM has a virtual port that uses the PC's RS232 to talk to the radio and the PC simulates the PIC and all the hardware inside VSM, no prototype to build. Fantastic!!! Chris Grillo - Carlo Gavassi Ltd. The Proteus software is just what we wanted. I have tried a number of 'high-profile' pcb designs, but the sheer simplicity and 'pick-up-and-go' ease of proteus just makes me wonder why other companies go to great lengths to complicate their products. Power PCB from Mentor comes to mind here. Their learning curve is simply way too steep. Both ISIS and ARES are simple to use, with an intuitive interface one will feel certainly at home with. The Library Manager has been improved drastically with its new interface and search facility. Designing our in-house libraries has never been so easy. Our designs range from Solid-state relays to micro-controlled motor soft-starters...and Proteus handled them all with equal ease. without even breaking a sweat. The software does not hog all my system resources, and I find that having 3 or more designs open does not hamper my progress. Proteus was under scrutiny at our R&D facility, but versions from 6 onwards have confirmed that Labcenter are willing to listen to us and implement our 'wish-list'. That really sorted you out from the 'big boys' of design. Your personalised service is second to none. THANK YOU! Rob Youngs - Tempus Consulting I use Proteus VSM for PIC and the IAR C compiler which allows me to run PIC's to emulate all my mechanical devices as my 'test harness' prior to developing the system proper. I estimate that my development time is now 20% of what it was before for any given design, and because of the general flexibility and information views, simulations can be run as a virtual world tests in their harnesses for days at a time and I can minimise the testing when I build in the real world. Frank Small - FAS I find the Proteus software invaluable for the following reasons : 1) You save cost and time. If for example you feel you will probably need a RTC in a future project you can try and test it without the hassle and cost of purchasing same. That is before you cost the extra savings of the time of wiring it up, making mistakes, troubleshooting and all that goes with it. 2) It is so much simpler monitoring activity in Proteus VSM than using a scope etc 3) Probably the most important attribute of your product is the support, in that I feel I can count on your help within a very short timeframe. In my experience you know the produce backwards and answer the questions asked which is not always the case when you look for support. Donald Kay - Don Alan Pty Ltd. PCB design is our business. We review PCB layout software on an ongoing basis and Labcenter has topped the list for the last 10 years. Certainly the most productive and very, very affordable. We have licences for other very expensive products but they don't get much use. Nick Evans - Genesys IBS Ltd. We chose to use Labcenter products after evaluating major competitors including CADSTAR for a long period. We found the Proteus suite to offer excellent value for money and improved functions and ease of use compared to the competitors. Andreas Schulze - Dataprocess GmbH I am very content with the Proteus software and I am using it for designing boards for our trainees and -from time to time- have a skilled trainee carry out a project using this software. I have come to know Proteus as a very helpful and powerful tool to design circuits and I am very pleased with the easy way one can use the software. The GUI is quite selfexplanatory and the help documents are simply great. As for the service your company provides for this product, I would like to give you an absolutely POSITIVE response. The few problems I had were taken care of without hesitation and without any problems with all friendliness a customer could hope for. My compliments for that !!! From my experience with the software, I can only recommend the Proteus package to anyone who needs a good and solid software for the design AND -of course- simulation of sophisticated circuitry such as "robot brains" Alan Foster - Copeman Hart & Company Ltd. From schematic and simulation through to CAD/CAM output and BOM scripts, Proteus electronic design software reliably delivers all the functionality I would wish for in an intuitive and straightforward manner. The modular pricing structure allows for selection of the level of functionality and capacity that best suits the business, avoiding the waste of thousands of pounds that comes with one-size-fits-all software, whilst keeping open the option to upgrade if and when it is needed. Malcolm Newton - Isle of Man College 我們非常愉快地使用了Proteus好幾年,特別是ISIS及仿真-我們發現基于PIC的仿真特別我的 Microprocessor Systems課程,對于通用的電路仿真,我和我的同事認為Proteus非常棒- -我們已經從 Electronic Workbench轉到了Proteus,因為我們認為Proteus基于圖形的仿真和VSM好多了。我以前在Email中多次提到,我們發現用Proteus在PICTUTOR教學中對學生的幫助極大,學生可以使用MPLAB在仿真的硬件上運行他們開發的程序。 Alan Duffy - Sutton Coldfield College 整個Proteus軟件包對我們實施BTEC電子學課程起到了無可估量的作用,Proteus VSM 處理器仿真非常出色且容易實施。 Ray Freshwater - Cambridge University 在選定Proteus軟件包之前,我調查了六種電路和PCB設計工具,從價格和性能上比較,Proteus是非常出色的。 Dennis Briggs - Colchester Institute 在Colchester Institute我和我的學生已經成功地使用了Proteusde的ISIS和PCB的老版本好多年,近隨著我的PC機升級至XP,我們購買了全套的Proteus軟件包,用于 在Higher national & national certificate 和 PEO1 & PEO2 課程中的原理圖與PCB的開發。學院很快就掌握了使用ARES和ISIS的使用技巧,開發并完成了指定和課程要求的電路設計與編程。 Richard Reeves - Aston Universtity 我一直保持使用Labcenter軟件的原因是,它是我用過的友好的專業電子CAD軟件(我已經刪去了我計算機上的Mentor V7-好軟件,但難學會),當我教至少30個學生一個PCB設計課程作為IEE學位課程時,我使用Proteus做不超過一個小時的演示后,班上這些一年級研究生有很多以前從未使用過任何CAD工具,但現在很多都作出了非常了的PCB設計。 VSM 仿真在一年的項目中起到了非常大的作用,我們的學生使用VSM仿真AVR和各種外設,既體現了真實世界的設計,又節約了時間,排除了不確定性。 技術支持也無出其右,有問題總會在幾小時內解決。 James Bell - Carlisle College 我們大學使用PROTEUS已經有12年了,HND學生使用圖形仿真ASF用于他們的電子學、電路原理與工程學課程,教員使用圖形仿真及動態器件用于演示教學,學生利用它鞏固所學理論并完成老師設定的任務,學生們非常喜歡使用Proteus,因為結果很快就能得到,而且不用擔心會損壞昂貴的設備,作為一個電子學教師,我發現它是一個巨大的教學資源。 Martin Rice - Senior Lecturer, Newbury College 我使用 Proteus在我的所有的電子學教學中,從歐姆理論到傅立葉分析,從基本門電路到微控制器系統,我發現該系統是BTEC National and Higher National 水平考試必需的工具。我把它作為一個專家教育產品來使用,因為它是“真實的”,它是那種我的學生能平滑過渡到工業應用的系統,我推薦它,并喜歡聽到其他人把該軟件用于教學環境。 Dan O'Brien - Dundalk Institute of Technology 在DKIT電子系期間,我們已經使用Proteus軟件包從4、5到6版本多年,我們深刻感受,該軟件包非常強大,能完成從PCB設計到微控制器和模擬電路仿真的需要,Proteus被我們大學選為電力與電子系統學士學位骨干軟件工具,用于系統的設計教學。 如有興趣,請與我們聯系! 風標科技 陳楚祥:13570554731 廣州市天河北路447號2座13C 電話:020-86003026 傳真:020-38807074 Email:chencx@windway.cn Http://www.windway.cn




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